It is the PRIMARY responsibility of parents, guardians, carers etc. to choose which location on the routes our services operate on that their children will wait for to board and alight our buses on the service of their choice.
All Services operate by Southern Cross Transit are "Hail & Ride" type services
Hail and ride is boarding or alighting a mode of public transport by signalling the driver that one wishes to board or alight. Typically no specific bus stop boarding or alighting point is provided, allowing a patron to signal the driver to stop the bus to board or alight the service.
The information below is provided only as a guide by Southern Cross Transit so that parents or guardians may be better informed when making decisions about their children’s travel arrangements. Parents or guardians should seek independent or professional advice before instructing their children
Southern Cross Transit DO NOT have signed or marked Bus Stops
bus drivers will only stop at council marked Bus Stops along our routes.
If there are no council marked Bus Stops, choose a location on the route that you think is a safe place for your child to board and alight the bus, then consult with the local council and our office to ensure the bus can safely stop there.
bus drivers will ONLY STOP when Hailed or asked to stop. Often children will assume the driver knows that they want to board or get off their bus. Whilst regular drivers on a service may be aware of where you normally board or alight the bus, and automatically stop the bus where they normally do, BUT there are many occasions where it is NOT the regular driver and they are unfamiliar with your routine and they will NOT stop unless they are asked to. (signalling the driver).
below is some further information to assist you when deciding to use our services
Live Tracking
Our GPS location system is in real-time all the time. Not every 10 minutes, not every 5 minutes, not every minute. We can tell you where your bus is within 7 seconds of its location – at all times! You can download the free ‘Transportme Passenger’ app from the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store and track your vehicle in real-time, all for free! (Click Here) to download the App
What happens if children catch the wrong bus?
We are very aware of the need to care for children travelling on our buses. When children get onto the wrong school bus, the driver will.
Identify the child.
contact our operations team and the depot who will,
instruct and guide the driver to transfer the child to the correct bus or keep them on the bus until the bus returns to the depot.
where necessary, we will contact the parents or guardians, and discuss the situation, the action we have taken, and seek further advise them.
What should we do if the School Bus doesn’t turn up? Here at Southern Cross Transit, we work hard every day to make sure that our buses get out to their school runs on time and in a safe and orderly manner. However, we cannot control the uncontrollable, things like traffic jams, sick drivers and occasional breakdowns can cause unexpected delays. If you haven't already downloaded our transportme tracking App then you should do so and see the live data to locate your service .
TO SCHOOL, if the bus hasn’t arrived at the stop at the normal time chilren should wait at the bus stop for at least 15 minutes before moving away from it, often the bus will arrive within this time. After this period, we suggest that you contact our duty manager on 0466239989 and advise us of where the children are waiting.
FROM SCHOOL, the schools we service have staff onsite at the boarding location supervising children whilst waiting for the bus and boarding the buses. If a bus has been delayed, we will have contacted the school and advised of the actions we have taken and the approximate time frame for the bus to arrive. They [the school] will relay to their staff onsite at the boarding location, what action we have taken.
What if we contact the duty manager and nobody answers?
If you call and the phone is engaged or out of service etc. you will be diverted to a call centre who will take your message details and SMS them to the Duty Manager and other management staff who will call you back as soon as possible. They will then advise you of what you can do OR co-ordinate alternative travel with PARENTS or LEGAL GUARDIANS.
What if the children don’t have access to a phone?
If a child or any other children at the bus stop does not have a phone, and the child chooses to leave the stop to get to a phone, then the child should advise the other children present that they have left the stop.
If there are no other children at the bus stop and they choose to leave the stop to get to a phone, once they have contacted us, they need to tell us where they are ringing from.
depending on access availability (e.g. can a bus fit on this roadway?), wwe will redirect a bus to pick them up from their current location.
What will Southern Cross Transit do?
Once we are aware of a delayed bus, we will investigate the reason for it being late and decide whether another bus needs to be dispatched to take over the run, or if it is capable of finishing the run. The affected schools will be informed by telephone that the bus will be late and the expected arrival time of the bus to school.
How long will the replacement bus take to pick me up?
Often whoever you speak to at Southern Cross Transit will be able to give you an approximate time of arrival when you call. However, as a guide, if we need to dispatch another bus, we will work out what bus can get to the children’s location the quickest. Usually, we will send another bus from our depot or redirect one of the other services. unfortunately, either one of these will often result in at least 15–30 minute delay.
Will the bus be late again tomorrow?
No! Unless “lightning strikes twice in the same place” buses will run to schedule. In times, such as these we ask for your patience and understanding.
What should we do if the bus doesn’t stop where children would normally get off the bus?
Remembering that all Southern Cross Transit services are "Hail and Ride" type services, children must signal the driver and tell them where want to get off the bus. CHILDREN MUST NOT RELY ON THE DRIVER TO KNOW THEIR STOP! It may not be the regular driver, and they are unfamiliar with your routine.
What will the driver do?
If you have missed your stop and advised the driver, the driver will carry out the following procedures.
communicate with the operations team at Southern Cross Transit and advise them of the situation.
the operations team will ask the driver to identify the child so that we may check our records as to where the child lives, contact the parents or guardians, and discuss what to do to get the child home safely.
if we cannot contact the parents or guardians, we will instruct the driver to bring the child to our Karalee bus depot and we will supervise the child until contact is made with the parents or guardians and pick up arrangements are made. If contact is not made, we will seek the assistance of the Queensland Police Service to get the child safely in the care of the parents or guardians.
However, if the bus is close to the child’s normal stop, the team will instruct the driver to double back and drop the child where they would normally get off the bus and then continue on the service.
Still not sure? Should you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact our office on 3813 8900 or visit our website at www.southerncrosstransit.com.au